Saturday, November 29, 2008


Kehebatan Minyak Kelapa Dara Bio-Asli (Virgin Coconut Oil )

Tahukah anda , pokok kelapa yang mempunyai batang kuat dan mampu tumbuh tegak berdiri setinggi 100 kaki tanpa ranting yang hanya bergantung kepada akar rerambut untuk menahan beban yang berat dan tiupan angin kencang, sebenarnya mempunyai khasiat semulajadi yang tersembunyi , segagah pohonnya yang tahan lasak. Kebanyakan pokok kelapa hidup secara " Nactural Farming " tanpa menggunakan baja kimia, masih mampu mengeluarkan buah yang banyak. Pokok ini juga terkenal dengan jolokkan makin tua makin menjadi ,seperti kata pepatah " makin tua makin pekat dan banyak santannya'.

Saiz=35 ml
Nama=Minyak Power 31
Kegunaan: Untuk suami
H. bukan Ahli: Rm35.00
H.Ahli : xxx + komisyen

Apakah kandungan minyak kelapa dara?
Sekitar awal 1930an kajian saintifik telah dilakukan oleh saintis Eropah dan Amerika , hasil kajian tersebut mendapati minyak kelapa dara mempunyi kandungan lemak "saturated, polyunsatured dan monounsaturated " yang mana ianya mengandunggi " Fatty acid C6,C8,C10,C12,C14,C16,C18,C18-1 & C18-2 "sangat berguna untuk kesihatan. C12 ialah " lauric oils " yang merupakan 45% hingga 55% jumlah kandungan di dalam " fatty acid" ( lihat kenyataan kajian pakar tentang kelebihan lauric oil ).
Jadual % pecahan fatty Acid yang bias terdapat dalam Minyak Kelapa Dara.
Fatty acid
% w/w
C12 ( Lauric Oil )

Saiz=150 ml
M.K.Dara Pure
H. B. Ahli :Rm40.00
H. Ahli :xx+ Komisyen

Saiz=150 ml
M.K.Dara +madu
H. B. Ahli=Rm40.00
H. Ahli=xx+ Komisyen

Apakah standard specifikasi item yang perlu di analisa untuk Minyak Kelapa Dara ?
Standard item yang perlu di analisa untuk Minyak Kelapa Dara yang digariskan oleh Pertubuhan pengeluar buah kelapa " Asian Pacific Coconut Comitte ( APCC ) adalah seperti berikut:-
Standard Items for analysis
Value ( Contoh )
1-Saponification value (mg Koh/ g Oil )
2-Colour ( lavibond scale )
0.01 + 01Y
3-Free Fatty acid (%)
4-Iodine Value
5-Solube protein (mg/ml)
6-Vatamin E (mg/100g)
7-Peroxide value (Milliequivelents peroxide 0.2 oxygen/kg oil

Bagamana minyak kelapa Dara diproses?
Minyak Kelapa Dara BIO-ASLI dihasilkan secara organik melalui proses pementasi semulajadi dengan tidak menggunakan haba bagi memastikan struktur lemak / patty asid yang kaya dengan "lauric Oil " tidak rosak seperti standard yang ditetapkan.
Kelebihan Minyak Kelapa Dara.
1-Meyerupai lemak susu ibu.
2-Bagi ibu-ibu menyusukan anak, yang mengambil minyak kelapa dara sebagai sebahagian dari pemakanannya akan mendapati paras lauric asid dan capric asid bertambah secara ketara. (lihat keterangan terperinci dalam tajuk Kesan Pengambilan Minyak Kelapa Dara Pada Ibu-ibu Yang Menysukan Anak)
3-Anti Oksida ( Mencegah atau melambatkan cell mati )
4-Antivirus dan antibaktera.
Lauric asid dalam minyak kelapa dara adalah 'medium chain fatty asid' yang mempunyai tambahan fungsi yang amat berguna untuk membentuk monolaurin didalam tubuh manusia atau haiwan. Monolaurin adalah bersifat antiviral, antibakteria dan antiprotozoal. Monoglyceride yang digunakan oleh tubuh manusia atau haiwan berperanan memusnahkan lapisan atau kelongsong lipid pada virus, seperti HIV, herpes, cytomegalovirus, influenza, berbagai bakteria pathogen termasuk listeria monocytogenes dan heliobacter pylori, serta protozoa seperti giardia lamblia. Setengah kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa ia berfungsi sebagai antimikrobial.

Tindakan antiviral yang dikaitkan dengan monolaurin ialah ia mampu mencairkan lapisan lipid dan phospholipid pada kelongsong atau envelope virus yang menyebabkan kerosakan pada envelope virus berkenaan. Secara mudah, fatty asid dan monoglycerides menghasilkan kesan pemusnahan ialah dengan menghancurkan dua lapisan plasma membrane pada organism berkenaan.

Dari beberapa kajian dan penyelidikan mutakhir ini, telah membuktikan bahawa kesan antimikrobial monolaurin adalah berhubung kait dengan gangguan terhadap sebarang isyarat ke atas mekanisma cell organisma berkenaan untuk replikasi (replication)

Jadual jenis-jenis "Lipid Coated Viruses".

Human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 or HIV+
Herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1)
Herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2)
Herpes viridae (all)
Human lymphotropic viruses (type 1)
Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV)
Visna virus
Epstein-Barr virus
Influenza virus
Leukemia virus
Sarcoma virus
Syncytial virus
Rubeola virus

Jadual jenis-jenis Lipid Coated Bacteria
Listeria monocytogenes
Helicobacter pylori (gram negative)
Hemophilus influenzae (gram negative)

5-Meningkatkan Metabolisma tubuh manusia
6- Dikelaskan sebagai functional food.

Sebagai functional food, (functional food telah didefinasikan pada An ILSI NORTH AMERICA SPECIAL CONFERENCE) bererti ia adalah makanan yang membekalkan komponen untuk kesihatan mengatasi komponen untuk tenaga. Adalah dianggarkan sekitar 50 peratus kandungan fatty asid didalam minyak kelapa dara adalah terdiri dari lauric asid, dan 6 hingga 7 peratus kandungannya lagi adalah terdiri dari capric asid.
Lauric asid adalah 'medium chain fatty asid' yang mempunyai tambahan fungsi yang amat berguna untuk membentuk monolaurin didalam tubuh manusia atau haiwan. Monolaurin adalah bersifat antiviral, antibakteria dan antiprotozoal monoglyceride yang digunakan oleh tubuh manusia atau haiwan untuk memusnahkan lapisan atau kelongsong lipid pada virus, seperti HIV, herpes, cytomegalovirus, influenza, berbagai bakteria pathogen termasuk listeria monocytogenes dan heliobacter pylori, serta protozoa seperti giardia lamblia. Setengah kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa ia berfungsi sebagai antimikrobial.
Sementara capric asid adalah juga jenis 'medium chain fatty asid' yang juga mempunyai kelebihan fungsi yang samabila ia membentuk sebagai monocaprin di dalam tubuh manusia atau haiwan. Monocaprin juga telah menunjukkan kesan keupayaan sebagai antiviral terhadap HIV dan ia masih lagi dalam proses uji kaji terhadap kesannya keatas herpes simplex dan keberkesanan antibakterianya terhadap chlamydia. (Reuters, London June 29,1999).
Dr. Halldor Thormar, ahli sains Icelandic, telah membuktikan bahawa monolaurin yang berasal dari minyak kelapa dara , dapad membunuh virus jenis 'lipid coated DNA dan RNA, termasuk HIV dan virus herpes dan juga mikroorganism lain termasuk bakteria jenis gram positive. Ketika ini Dr. Halldor Thormar dan pasukannya merancang untuk meneruskan ujian fungsi serta kesan monocaprin terhadap chlamydia dan virus herpes simplex.

Kesan Pengambilan Minyak Kelapa Dara Pada Ibu-ibu Yang Menyusukan Anak.
Lemak susu ibu mengandungi asid lemak (fatty asid) yang unik. Ia terdiri daripada 45 hingga 50 peratus 'saturated', sekitar 35 peratus 'monounsaturated', dan sekitar 15 hingga 20 peratus 'polyunsaturated'. Dari keseluruhan 'saturated fatty asid' yang dihasilkan dalam mammary gland, 18 peratus darinya adalah antimikrobial fatty asids, lauric asid dan capric asid. Antimikrobial fatty asids ini memberikan bayi yang disusukan perlindungan dari berbagai virus seperti HIV dan herpes, bakteria seperti chlamydia dan helicobater, protozoa seperti giardia lamblia.
Apabila ibu-ibu yang menyusukan anak mengambil makanan dari lemak kelapa (terutama minyak kelapa dara, kelapa parut dan santan kelapa) paras kandungan lauric asid dan capric asid akan bertambah secara ketara didalam susu. (lihat The American Journal of Clincal Nutrition, diterbitkan pada tahun 1998). Ini bererti kandungan jumlah perlindungan antimikrobial lauric asid dan capric asid dalam susu ibu berkenaan akan bertambah, yang akhirnya memberikan lebihan perlindungan kepada bayi yang disusukan.
Menurut beberapa kajian, tanpa tambahan lauric asid dari pemakanan, susu ibu masih mengandungi sekitar 3 peratus lauric asid dan 1 peratus capric asid yang dihasilkan oleh mammary gland ibu berkenaan, dan tahap kandungan lauric asid dan capric asid yang dihasilkan berbeza diantara setiap ibu yang menyusukan anak. Walau bagaimanapun apabila lauric asid diambil melalui pemakanan seperti lemak kelapa dalam kelapa parut, kandungan lauric asid di dalam susu ibu bertambah secara ketara sehingga tiga kali ganda berbanding kandungan asal, sementara kandungan capric asid bertambah hampir dua kali ganda. Keadaan ini dapat memberikan bayi yang disusukan perlindungan yang lebih dari berbagai virus virus, bakteria dan protozoa.
(Francois CA, Connor SL, Wander Rc, Connor WE. Acute effects of dietary fatty acids on the fatty acids of human milk. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1998;67:301-308)

Others benefits of this magic Oils ( VCOP & VCOH )
Research and clinical observation have shown that medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA's) like those found in coconut Oil, may provide a wide range of health benefits. Some of these are summarized below :
Reduce viruses load that cause influenza, hepatitis C measles and others illnesses.
Kills bacteria that causes pneumonia, earache, throat infections, dental cavities, food poisoning, urinary tract infections, meningitis, gonorrheal and dozens of others diseases.
Expels or kills tapeworms, lice, giardia and others parasites.

Pact Signed to Test Coco Oil for AIDS Treatment
Feb. 18, 1999, Manila - The official agreement covering the first clinical tests using coconut oil and its fatty acid, monolaurin, to treat HIV/AIDS patients has been signed. The memorandum of understanding among the three agencies doing the clinical tests - the Philippine Coconut Research and Development Foundation (PCRDF), United Laboratories and the San Lazaro Hospital - was signed yesterday, making possible the first medical research in the Philippines against AIDS.
PCRDF Chairman Maria Clara Lobregat told reporters that government will not spend a single centavo with this trial, and it will determine the efficacy of coconut chemicals. Health Secretary Alberto Romualdez said the trial needs approval and protocol, and institutional ethics review board will assess issues on using human subjects for research purposes. He welcomed the fact that the government will not shoulder the expenses for the tests. "It is very expensive, but since the DOH does not have that kind of money and the private sector does, then we can ask patients to participate," he said.
The tests involve 15 Filipino patients: 12 females and three males in the early stages of HIV infection. Tayag said the trial seeks to achieve what experts in the United States have found out in research - - that coconut chemicals increase the CD4 cell count and lower the viral load of HIV patients to undetectable levels. Dr. Eric Tayag, chief epidemiologist of the hospital, said the CD4 cells are the body's first line of defense against infection and disease, but they are also the first to be attacked by the HIV. The viral load is the amount of the virus in the blood. It will cost the 15 patients P300,000 each in coconut oil and monolaurin capsules, but he said this will not cost the hospital anything.
Dr. Conrado Dayrit, president of the National Academy of Science and Technology and a member of the PCRDF board, explained that HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, has a fatty envelop, and monolaurin can penetrate and dismember this envelop rapidly when ingested. Monolaurin is a substance derived from lauric acid, a component of the coconut. It is the most important and most effective component of coconut oil. "It disrupts the membrane coating the envelop by softening it first. If this happens, the virus will die," he said.
The PCRDF is funding the trial, but United Laboratories will receive the technology of processing the monolaurin capsules. (Philippine Headline News Online)

NEJM: AZT may harm fetus unnecessarily in HIV-positive pregnant women
December 1, 1999, - Ioannidis and Contopoulos-Ioannidis note in their Nov. 25 1999 NEJM letter to the editor that the study by Mofenson et al (August 5, 1999 NEJM) on perinatal transmission of HIV in women treated with zidovudine (AZT), did not support the concluding statement by Mofenson et al that antiretroviral therapy "should be recommended to all infected pregnant women regardless of their HIV-1 RNA levels". The authors also report that they have extended the results of Garcia et al (NEJM Aug 5 1999) on the predictive value of viral load to 10 studies and noted that in women with low viral loads (below 1000 copies per milliliter) there are no lower rates of transmission with treatment with AZT as opposed to no treatment. Although both Mofenson et al and Garcia et al agree that comments by Ioannidis and Contopoulos-Ioannidis are correct, they nevertheless support the use of AZT to reduce the risk of transmission of HIV-1 or other treatment regimens for those women who do not wish to expose the fetus to antiretroviral drugs during pregnancy. For women who elect the latter course, continues to suggest the safe and effective adjunct dietary supplementation with sources of lauric acid and capric acid, which are known for their effectiveness in significantly lowering viral loads.
Comments on JAMA Report: Reducing Viral Loads in Breastfeeding Mothers Lowers Transmission Rate
August 27, 1999, - Miotti and colleagues, JAMA August 25, 1999 report the results of a study measuring "HIV Transmission Through Breastfeeding." They conclude that the risk of transmission is greatest in the early months of breastfeeding. The cumulative rates were 3.5%, 7.0%, 8.9%, and 10.3% at the end of months 5, 11, 17, and 23 respectively. The incidence per month was reported as 0.7% during the period from age 1 to 5 months, 0.6% during the period from age 6 to 11 months, and 0.3% during age 12 to 17 months. The significance for the trend was P=.01. notes that the inclusion of a source of lauric acid to the diets of the breastfeeding HIV positive mothers would help to lower the level of virus in their milk and thus could help to lower the rate of transmission in populations such as these mothers in Malawi where breastfeeding is important for survival of the infant. Adding a functional food such as coconut to the mother’s diet would be beneficial because it would provide increased lauric and capric acid in mother's mi Mother-Infant HIV Transmission Could Be Reduced through Viral Lowering with Lauric and Capric Acid
August 6, 1999, - Garcia et al, (New England Journal of Medicine August 5, 1999;341:394-402) have reported that the maternal plasma HIV-1 RNA levels (viral load) are predictive of the risk of perinatal transmission, although not of the timing of that transmission. This report is from The Women and Infants Transmission Study, an ongoing multicenter, prospective study of the perinatal transmission of HIV-1 and the natural history of HIV-1 infection in pregnant women and their infants.
The study included women who were treated with zidovudine and those who were not. With an increasing geometric mean of the levels of plasma HIV-1 RNA levels (viral load) there was an increasing rate of transmission from mother to infant up to levels exceeding 100,000 copies of virus per milliliter (mL). When the maternal level was less that 1000 copies of virus per mL (0 of 57 women), the rate was zero percent; when the level was between 1000 and 10,000 copies per mL (32 of 193 women), the rate was 16.6 percent; when the level was between 10,001 and 50,000 copies per mL (39 of 183 women), the rate was 21.3 percent; when the level was 50,001 to 100,000 copies per mL (17 of 54 women), the rate was 30.9 percent; and when the level was greater than 100,000 copies per mL (26 of 64 women), the rate was 40.6 percent.
The highest rate was 63.3 percent for women who had levels of virus greater than 100,000 and who had not received zidovudine. However, for women whose levels were between 50,000 and 100,000, the rate of vertical transmission was the same whether they received zidovudine (31.2 percent) or did not received zidovudine (31.6 percent). believes that this research reinforces the comments from an earlier response by Monolaurin, the monoglyceride of lauric acid, destroys the HIV-1 virus. If HIV-1-infected pregnant women were given a source of lauric acid during pregnancy, there could be additional lowering of viral load, which could be helpful in preventing vertical transmission of the virus.
Further, those infants who acquire HIV-1 infection by vertical transmission from their HIV-1-infected mothers are candidates for the adjunct antiviral nutritional support from lauric fats in their infant formula. Since the current medical recommendations prevent these infants from receiving human milk from their HIV-1-infected mothers, they need to be given infant formulas. There was a time when most of the infant formulas in the United States could be counted on to have a source of lauric acid and capric acid in their formulation to match that found in human milk. This is no longer true for many of the infant formulas. Additionally, older HIV-1-infected children, who consume regular diets, could benefit from a source of lauric acid such as desiccated coconut or coconut milk products. Notes Dual Importance Regarding CMV and HIV
July 7, 1999, - Kovacs, et al (N Engl J Med. July 8, 1999;341:77-84) have reported from a prospective study that infants born to HIV-1-infected mothers who are found to also be HIV-1-infected are at greater risk for the development of cytomegalovirus (CMV) and for HIV-1 disease progression than are those infants born to HIV-1-infected mothers but who are not themselves HIV-1-infected.
The researchers concluded that "HIV-1-infected infants who acquire CMV infection in the first 18 months of life have a significantly higher rate of disease progression and central nervous system disease than those infected with HIV-1 alone." Further, among those infants who are HIV-1-infected, the infants who develop CMV continue to have a higher rate of CMV and more severe disease at four years of age.
Infants who are HIV-1-infected have a higher rate of CMV infection at 6 months than those who are not HIV-1-infected (39.9 vs 15.3 percent). At age 18 months, those infants who are HIV-1-infected and who also have CMV infection have higher rates of HIV-1 disease progression (70.0 percent) than those who are only HIV-1-infected (30.4 percent). In those children who were only HIV-1-infected, rapid progression of HIV-1 disease was related to their having higher levels of virus (i.e., higher viral load).
Monolaurin, the monoglyceride of lauric acid, destroys CMV, as well as other herpes viruses and HIV-1. If HIV-1-infected pregnant women were given a source of lauric acid during pregnancy, there could be additional lowering of viral load, which could be helpful in preventing vertical transmission of the virus.
Further, those infants who acquire HIV-1 infection by vertical transmission from their HIV-1-infected mothers are candidates for the adjunct antiviral nutritional support from lauric fats in their infant formula. Since the current medical recommendations prevent these infants from receiving human milk from their HIV-1-infected mothers, they need to be given infant formulas. There was a time when most of the infant formulas in the United States could be counted on to have a source of lauric acid and capric acid in their formulation to match that found in human milk. This is no longer true for many of the infant formulas.
The older HIV-1-infected children, who consume regular foods, could benefit from a source of lauric acid such as desiccated coconut products. Comments on Icelandic HIV Research
July 1, 1999, - Dr. Halldor Thormar, the Icelandic scientist, who previously showed that monolaurin, which comes from the fat in coconut, kills lipid coated DNA and RNA viruses including HIV and herpes viruses as well as other microorganisms including gram positive bacteria has just announced the potential effectiveness of monocaprin dissolved in a gel in killing HIV. Monocaprin also comes from the fat in coconut in the form of capric acid (C:10). Thormar and his colleagues plan to continue the tests with monocaprin against chlamydia and herpes simplex virus. Responds to FDA Ban on DHA
June 1, 1999, - Several fatty acids are very important for health and development. Among them are lauric acid and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These two fatty acids are found in human milk from lactating mothers. Lauric acid is the medium-chain fatty acids used by the infant to make antimicrobial monoglycerides to keep the infant from getting infections. DHA is a long-chain omega-3 fatty acid that is absolutely essential for proper brain development in the infant, and for healthy vision. Children and adults also need a source of both lauric acid and DHA. Lauric acid can only be obtained through foods and the best source in the United States is coconut including sulfite-free desiccated coconut. Children and adults can make their own DHA if they have adequate dietary consumption of the precursor to DHA, which is alpha-linolenic acid, and if they also don’t have too much omega-6 vegetable oils or partially hydrogenated vegetable oils (trans fatty acids) in their regular diets. The best source of preformed DHA is cod liver oil and fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, and mackerel.